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Summary of David Mirman's, "Do You Think Like a Victim or a Creator?"

David Mirman’s blog article, “Do You Think Like a Victim or a Creator”, describes what it means to have a Victim and Creator-like mindset. One of the article’s focal points is the differences between the two mentalities. Mirman provides an example of two individuals. One is a Victim and the other is a Creator. In the Victim and Creator scenario presented in the article, two college students are expected to have a textbook by the second week of class (Mirman). The two students are unable to obtain their textbooks by the first week because their college bookstore runs out. The Victim in this situation places the blame on the bookstore for her inability to get the textbook. The Creator is able to get the textbook by the second week, despite the inconvenience. Mirman later states author Skip Downing’s interruption of the Victim and Creator in the example. He ends the article by suggesting we think more like Creator’s in the New Year.

Works Cited

Mirman, David. "Do You Think like a Victim or a Creator?" You Are The Prime Mover. 2 Jan. 2012. Web. 7 Apr. 2015. <>

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